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A Family of Doctors

November 01, 20223 min read

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A Family of Doctors

Darrell Is So Appreciative of His Work Family

Each year, there are two things I’m always grateful for:

My family and the doctors I get to work with. I know I’m needed by both of them, and they motivate and inspire me to be my best every day. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you. I wrote in a recent newsletter about family being everything, and I’ve realized that, in many ways, my doctors are like my second family. I care about them and their patients, so I want to ensure I do everything I can to make their jobs easier. My relationships with all my doctors genuinely mean so much to me. So, I don’t mind going the extra mile to help strengthen my relationships with them.

Being a family is all about communication, and openly communicating with my doctors is one of my utmost priorities. I will regularly get in touch with everyone to check how things are going. I love finding new ways to improve, and I always want to do better. I want to thank my doctors for their feedback. It means so much to me because it lets me know I’m giving my doctors what they need and helps me to stay consistent with my work. Hearing back from them and listening to their stories about their happy patients is why I get up each morning excited to go to work!

a family of dentists

While I regularly receive feedback from my doctors, it’s not as common that I get to work directly with a patient. Every so often, however, I do get the chance. A few months ago, one of my doctors was in the process of placing several crowns on one of his longtime patients and was having a difficult time choosing a shade. With my lab being so close to his practice, we scheduled his patient to come to my lab for a shade match. When I met the patient, she expressed concerns about how her crowns would turn out. I checked her shade indoors and outdoors with natural sunlight. I gave her a mirror to see the different shade choices and ensured she liked the chosen shade. Going through this process eased her concerns and worries. I reassured her that the doctor and I would do whatever was needed to ensure she was happy.

I thought that would be the last time I saw her, but a few weeks later, she came back to my lab to thank me for my work and to show me her smile with the crowns in place. She was so happy! Although I was not surprised by the outcome, I was surprised by the impact I had on her and that she took the time to return to show her appreciation for my work. It showed me that my care and respect for my doctors and their patients doesn’t go unnoticed.

I want to recognize and thank all of the doctors who are partnered with my lab and the future doctors I will be working with. I am so honored and thankful to be a part of your team. I look forward to working alongside you for years to come and strengthening our relationship more and more.

Darrell Lee

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Dentistrydental workdental labbay areaberkeleysan franciscoDarrell Lee
Darrell Lee has been a key part of Berkeley Dental Laboratory for over three decades. After starting as an employee in 1992, he purchased the company from its previous owners in 2008 and has built it into what it has become today.

Darrell Lee

Darrell Lee has been a key part of Berkeley Dental Laboratory for over three decades. After starting as an employee in 1992, he purchased the company from its previous owners in 2008 and has built it into what it has become today.

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