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Becoming Independent

July 01, 20223 min read

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Becoming Independent

It Started at a Young Age

From an early age, I always knew I wanted to be a business owner, own investment properties, and have my own family. My parents always told me and my siblings growing up that if we wanted something, we had to go after it ourselves. This lesson showed me the first step I needed to take to become independent. As we celebrate the Fourth of July this month, I think about the events in my life that have made me independent.

Several experiences in my life, such as the jobs I had growing up, school, and my career, helped me reach adulthood.

When I was 9 years old in the early 1980s, I had a paper route. I learned how to be responsible and manage my time. Although it was a lot of hard physical work to fold, wrap, carry, and deliver the newspapers on my BMX bike, I gained so much — this job gave me a tough mind, as I had to mentally prepare myself each week for the heavy Sunday paper full of ads. The most valuable skill I learned was how to interact with adults when it came time for me to knock on my customers’ doors to collect the monthly subscription dues. Other jobs I had included working at a local butcher shop and bagging groceries at Lucky, and as you all already know, I did a little of everything helping out at my parents’ store in Richmond.

growing up

After graduating high school, I needed to make crucial decisions to help shape my future. I attended Diablo Valley College, with plans to transfer to a university after a couple of years (maybe some of your assistants and hygienists went there, too!). While I was there, I learned about my sister’s friend who owned a dental laboratory, and it immediately caught my interest. So, I began researching and found out that dental technology classes were offered there. I applied to start taking the courses and began my dental career journey. Going through dental school was another step toward adulthood, and it gave me firsthand experience practicing what my parents always taught me: You have to work for what you want.

My hard work was starting to pay off. At 20 years old, I landed a position at Berkeley Dental Laboratory while I was still in dental school. After working here as an employee for three years, my next step was a massive step into adulthood. I bought my very first house. This milestone was a valuable learning experience because it taught me how to manage my finances.

All of the decisions I have made in the past helped shape what my life looks like today. At first, I didn’t know what steps I needed to take to accomplish my goals, but now, I know it’s all about taking action and learning. Throughout life, there are always decisions to make and lessons to learn. Having my own family and becoming a parent of four daughters has been my ultimate leap into adulthood. I’m still figuring things out as I go; I find ways I can contribute and ways I can make a difference. Adulthood never stops. I push myself to do better every day, and I’m living in the moment and taking each day as it comes.

What life experiences have helped you become independent and enter adulthood? Are your stories similar or different from mine? I would love to hear your thoughts!

Happy Independence Day!

Darrell Lee

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Dentistrydental workdental labbay areaberkeleysan franciscoDarrell Lee
Darrell Lee has been a key part of Berkeley Dental Laboratory for over three decades. In 2008 he purchased the company from its previous owners and has built it into what it has become today.

Darrell Lee

Darrell Lee has been a key part of Berkeley Dental Laboratory for over three decades. In 2008 he purchased the company from its previous owners and has built it into what it has become today.

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